Who we are?
We tell the story of SCP BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAȚII to our new and, most often, younger colleagues as soon as they become part of our team.
The CUNESCU & BALACIU Professional Civil Law Firm is officially established in 1996, when the new law of the profession allowed this, by two exceptional lawyers, Alina Anca BALACIU and Constantin CUNESCU. In the same year, Mihail GIUGARIU became part of our team.
Subsequently, Mihai GIUGARIU was appointed a judge at the Supreme Court of Justice and later, a member of the Competition Council.
Beatrice ONICA-JARKA was co-opted as a partner in 1997. She is part of the younger generation of associates, which is currently developing the law firm. From 1997 until 2020 the name of the company had been SCPA CUNESCU, BALACIU & ASOCIAŢII.
The two founders, Mr. Constantin CUNESCU and Mrs. Alina Anca BALACIU retired in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Starting with the retirement of the last founding lawyer, CUNESCU, BALACIU and ASOCIAŢII has been wholly owned by the following generation of team partners.
In November 2020, the law firm was renamed BEATRICE ONICA- JARKA & ASSOCIATII.
In 2021, Alexandra OLOGU – CHIRITA and Daniel STIGER joined the law firm and together with Beatrice ONICA – JARKA. In a balanced formula of age and specializations, we continue to respect the values that made the BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAŢII tradition exist, to train exceptional professionals in the legal service dedicated to the client under the JOY LEGAL & BUSINESS logo.
As a sign of both our excellence in law and of our clients’ satisfaction, BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAŢII has been constantly nominated in Legal500.

Our Story
Beatrice Florentina ONICA becomes an associate. The name of the law firm becomes CUNESCU, BALACIU & ASOCIAŢII. The company is expanding its team.2013
Alina Anca BALACIU retires from the profession.2019
Legal 500 listing for Dispute resolution.2020
The company is renamed BEATRICE ONICA - JARKA & ASOCIAŢII.2022
Legal 500 listing for Dispute resolution and Public Procurement and PPP.1996
Set up of the Professional Civil Society of Lawyers CUNESCU & BALACIU.2009
Constantin CUNESCU retires from the profession.2018
Legal 500 nomination for Dispute resolution.2020
Legal 500 listing for Dispute resolution.2021
The company starts its activity under a new name and expands its partnership with three more partners. Legal 500 listing for Dispute resolution and Public Procurement and PPP.2023
Legal 500 listing for Dispute Resolution, Procurement and PPP while also being recommended for its strong work advising clients in TMT. Mentioned as active in Banking & Finance; Corporate & Commercial and M&A.
The story of BEATRICE ONICA- JARKA & Asociaţii headquarters
The spaces in which our team has carried out its activity over time are an integral part of our story. Because the legal profession was revived in the 1990s, our first headquarters, the one where the founders worked between 1993 and 1995, was a start. In 1995, as the activity became more intense and the number of lawyers increased, the first office was moved to a space twice as large. The continuous growth of the team and the increase in the volume of work meant that, for almost four years, we moved the offices from one headquarters, in two (in 1997) and after even in three. We worked like this until 2001, when we decided to be all in the same place, in a space that was only ours, so we chose to work in our own building with several floors, which was dedicated only to us.. We worked there for ten years, until, in 2011, we moved again. This time, we chose a bright and accessible space, located in a new office building. It is the largest space in which the our team has worked so far till 2020, when we decided to make a new move and change of headquarters in beautiful villa built in 1900. It is the largest and the most vintage stylish working space our law firm has. It allows us to have great meetings with the whole team, to hold trainings and events inside the building and outdoor, in the villa’s garden populated with magnolia and mimosas, to offer the confort and delight to our colleagues and clients. It is a space chosen to make it possible to focus on the essential issues, while enjoying the perfume of another era.
We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

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