Our Story
We tell the story of SCP BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAȚII to our new and, most often, younger colleagues as soon as they become part of our team.
The CUNESCU & BALACIU Professional Civil Law Firm is officially established in 1996, when the new law of the profession allowed this, by two exceptional lawyers, Alina Anca BALACIU and Constantin CUNESCU. In the same year, Mihail GIUGARIU became part of our team.
Subsequently, Mihai GIUGARIU was appointed a judge at the Supreme Court of Justice and later, a member of the Competition Council.
Beatrice ONICA-JARKA was co-opted as a partner in 1997. She is part of the younger generation of associates, which is currently developing the law firm. From 1997 until 2020 the name of the company had been SCPA CUNESCU, BALACIU & ASOCIAŢII.
The two founders, Mr. Constantin CUNESCU and Mrs. Alina Anca BALACIU retired in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Starting with the retirement of the last founding lawyer, CUNESCU, BALACIU and ASOCIAŢII has been wholly owned by the following generation of team partners.
In November 2020, the law firm was renamed BEATRICE ONICA- JARKA & ASSOCIATII.
In 2021, Alexandra OLOGU – CHIRITA and Daniel STIGER joined the law firm and together with Beatrice ONICA – JARKA. In a balanced formula of age and specializations, we continue to respect the values that made the BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAŢII tradition exist, to train exceptional professionals in the legal service dedicated to the client under the JOY LEGAL & BUSINESS logo.
As a sign of both our excellence in law and of our clients’ satisfaction, BEATRICE ONICA – JARKA & ASOCIAŢII has been constantly nominated in Legal500.